Stuffed Squash with a Touch of Curry

Hello There!

Happy fall, ya’ll! In West Tennessee where I live, Mother Nature is playing a cruel trick on us! We had several days of beautiful fall weather. It was wonderful! I started changing out my summer clothes, thinking of all the fall dishes I wanted to prepare for this wonderful time of year. Then overnight it turned into summer again. I can’t tell you how disappointed I was. Even though we are having warm weather, the leaves are still changing and WOW are they BEAUTIFUL! We have a couple of trees in our backyard that are almost fluorescent. I am trying to be patient. I know it will eventually get here. I am glad it is giving you summer-loving people a little bit more time!

Autumn is a time when we naturally gravitate toward warm and comforting foods. It's the season of simmering stews, rustic pies, and the wonderful tradition of stuffing. Stuffed squash with its savory and aromatic curry filling embodies all the richness and warmth we crave as the days grow shorter. It's a time for cozy sweaters, brisk walks in the golden afternoon sun, and comforting flavors. Among these, one dish that never fails to bring a sense of autumn's embrace to the table is Stuffed Squash with Curry. Beyond its comforting flavors, stuffed squash is a nutritious powerhouse. I love it when your meal is not only delicious but also full of goodness for your body. You really can have it all!

Squash, turkey, cheese, Oh My!!

The curry component of this dish is where the real magic happens. The warm aromas that fill your kitchen as it bakes in the oven are like a cozy hug. This alone is an inspiration to get into the kitchen and get to cooking (who doesn’t need a hug??). The blend of spices – from turmeric's golden glow to the warmth of cumin and the depth of coriander – creates a combination of flavors that celebrate the season. It's the perfect balance of earthiness and zest. If you are not a curry fan, NO WORRIES! Just skip this step or you can substitute with your favorite spice. Your squash will still turn out delicious. Another option is with the protein. If you are not a turkey fan, you can substitute with different types of sausage, ground beef, or even ground chicken. Remember, it is your kitchen, you can do what you want to customize any recipe to your favorites and your taste buds. I would like to give a word of caution. If you have never worked with any type of fresh squash, please be VERY careful when slicing. Your knife needs to be sharp and you need to make sure you know how to handle a kitchen knife.

I hope you enjoy the little surprise at the end of my video. I have really been missing my mom lately. This is a side dish she made very often. In sharing it with you I got to add a little bit of her to my dish.

Mom’s Pear Salad

This was a dish my mom made very often. It was definitely a budget dish but it also tasted delicious!

As you enjoy the comforting dish of stuffed squash with curry, I hope you are reminded of the beauty in simplicity. As the fall season emerges, relish the uncomplicated joys, share meals with loved ones, and find comfort in each and every bite. Stuffed squash with curry isn't just a recipe; it's a heartfelt reminder to appreciate the essence of fall and create meaningful moments.

Lord Bless You,


Michelle Morris is a food enthusiast, passionate cook, and devoted wife who finds joy in creating delicious meals. As a firm believer in Jesus, she strives to infuse her cooking with love, kindness, and gratitude for the blessings in her life.

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Michelle Morris

At Cook It for 2, we will share recipes, discuss ingredients, cooking techniques, cool gadgets, learn tips and tricks, and go over some do's and don'ts for the kitchen when cooking for just two.

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