The Perfect Duo: Cook It for 2's Garlic, Honey, and Chicken Stir Fry

Hello There!

Welcome to our kitchen, the heart of our home where cooking together is always so much fun! Today, you are in for a treat because Kyle is cooking with me! We are so excited to share our real-life cooking session making Garlic, Honey, and Chicken Stir Fry for 2. Join us as we show you how we chop, slice, and cook up a delicious dish, complete with laughter, teamwork, and of course, scrumptious flavors.

The first step is always deciding what to cook. With so many options, narrowing it down to the perfect dish is hard. After some lively discussion, we agreed on a Chicken Honey Garlic Stir Fry. It's a classic favorite that never fails to impress with its sweet and savory flavors.

With our recipe chosen, it's time to divide and conquer. One of us tackles the chicken while the other focuses on chopping vegetables and preparing the sauce. Taking turns with prep not only speeds up the process but also ensures that we're both actively involved in the cooking process. As we work side by side, we share stories, exchange tips, and just enjoy being together. Food has always been a good place for us because I love to cook and Kyle loves to eat!!

As the smell of garlic and honey fills the air, we can't help but smile knowing that we're creating something special together. Cooking becomes less about following a recipe and more about just being in the moment. We don’t get to do this often so we try to make the best of it when we get the chance.


In a world constantly moving, taking the time to be together is so important on many different levels. Cooking together reminds us of the importance of slowing down and cherishing the simple pleasures in life. So, whether you're cooking for two or a crowd, remember that the true magic of cooking lies not just in the food itself, but in the fun, laughter, and conversation you share during the cooking. Happy cooking together!

Lord Bless You, Michelle

Michelle Morris is a food enthusiast, passionate cook, and devoted wife who finds joy in creating delicious meals. As a firm believer in Jesus, she strives to infuse her cooking with love, kindness, and gratitude for the blessings in her life.

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Michelle Morris

At Cook It for 2, we will share recipes, discuss ingredients, cooking techniques, cool gadgets, learn tips and tricks, and go over some do's and don'ts for the kitchen when cooking for just two.

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