Elevated Mac N Cheese

Elevated Mac N Cheese for 2

 Hello There!

I would like to share a little slice of comfort food with you all. You see, mac 'n cheese is where it’s at!!—it's indulgent, it’s creamy, it's comforting, and it's absolutely delicious! But lately, I've been experimenting with ways to take it up a notch, especially when it's just me and my hubby craving a cozy & satisfying meal for two.

As I was trying to decide what to make for supper, I got really excited. Instead of doing the same old thing, I decided to try something new. It wasn't just about following a recipe; it was about having fun and experimenting. Cooking is such a good way to be creative and experiment with all different kinds of combinations! My mom always taught me to not be afraid to try different recipes, ingredients, and techniques. I am so thankful she did. It is one of the reasons I fell in live with cooking!

So, what are my secrets to making this classic dish a bit fancier? It's all about the cheese game. Instead of sticking to the same-old, same-old, I decided to mix things up by using a different cheese. I swapped the cheddar for creamy Gruyère. Trust me, it's a game-changer.

But here's where things get interesting—I decided to throw in some ground turkey. Yes, you heard that right. Not only does it add a bit of protein to the mix, but it also gives the dish a heartiness that's perfect for those irristible, rich cravings! It was also fun cooking and serving in my mini cast iron skillets!

And I have to say, sitting down with my hubby to savor this elevated mac 'n cheese is a delightful treat. It's not about fancy dinners or big shows—it's about relishing great food and great company right in our own cozy home.

So, the next time you're looking for a cozy meal for two, why not give this Elevated Mac 'n Cheese a try? It's easy, it's delicious, and it's sure to warm your heart and your belly.

Until next time, happy cooking, friends!

Lord Bless You, Michelle

Michelle Morris is a food enthusiast, passionate cook, and devoted wife who finds joy in creating delicious meals. As a firm believer in Jesus, she strives to infuse her cooking with love, kindness, and gratitude for the blessings in her life.

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Michelle Morris

At Cook It for 2, we will share recipes, discuss ingredients, cooking techniques, cool gadgets, learn tips and tricks, and go over some do's and don'ts for the kitchen when cooking for just two.


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